For the last ten years or so I’ve been hooting with laughter at some of the creations of Hairybaby – Ireland’s number 1 contemporary design label for eejits and gobshites. Over that time I’ve purchased heaps of their stuff and marvelled at the quality of the materials they use and the speed with which the stuff was delivered. Imagine my reaction when the Hairybaby itself approached me to collaborate on my very own range of Irishman Abroad apparel. After months in development, testing, stretching, washing, scrubbing, drying, spilling tea on, scrunching into a ball, ironing and washing, we are delighted to present the first items in the range. The hoodie, the bag, the t-shirt and mug are now in stock and available in a range of colours and sizes from extra small right up to XXXL (or “big unit” as it is referred to in the GAA). Click here to go straight to the site. Fill up your basket and watch your life and level of cool improve.