Our First Dance Is Here!

If you were glued to “The Last Dance” you may have a bit of a gap in your schedule at the moment. Well Irishman Inside Basketball, our the newest podcast from the Irishman Abroad Podcast Network, might be the perfect thing for you. Over the last few months I have been meeting some of the most interesting characters inside the game and going deep into their lives, the sport itself and where it fits into history and the world. What has come out of it are some of the best conversations I’ve ever had. Why not give it a try?

From Downtown, Boomshakkalakka, etc.

You can gain access to all our episodes including the most recent avalanche of episodes I’ve released since the lockdown began by going here and signing up to Premium Irishman Abroad. For the price of pint you get access to hundreds of epic guests and chats from our archive and all new bonus content and episodes that have never been released. We have also launched our own Youtube channel if that’s how you’d prefer to get your episodes.

Just some of the great episodes we have churned out since this madness began. Click on the image to enjoy them.